- Dokkaebi : Korean traditional Sprite
- Age background : In the 16th century
- Nationality : Korea
- High / Weight : 180cm / 70kg
- Age : 500 years old
- Gender : Male
He has the ability to change to a human or animal.
His shape is normally a human.
He has a strong power. His weapon is a knife. He usually act at night.
The Dokkaebi is a mythical being that appears in many old Korean folktales.
Although usually frightening, it could also represent a humorous, grotesque-looking sprite or goblin.
These creatures love mischief and playing mean tricks on bad people.
They also reward good people with wealth and blessings.
+ Autodesk Maya : Low polygon modeling, Rigging, Hair, Fur,
+ Mental-ray : Rendering
+ Autodesk Motion Builder : Animation [ Tutorial motion]
+ Autodesk Mudbox : Texturing, Sculpting